1st Periodical Report

ToxBank Periodical ReportFirst

Periodical report

The ToxBank establishes a dedicated web-based warehouse for toxicity data management and modelling, a „gold standards‟ compound database and repository of selected test compounds, and a reference resource for cells, cell lines and tissues of relevance for in vitro systemic toxicity research carried out across the FP7 HEALTH Alternative Testing Strategies SEURAT-1 program. The project develops infrastructure and service functions to create a sustainable predictive toxicology support resource going beyond the lifetime of the program.

The overall primary objectives of ToxBank during the first reporting period (RP1) were to determine the requirements of the SEURAT-1 cluster with regards to data management and analysis, to select reference test compounds, and to provide specifications for the data warehouse and management of chemicals and biomaterials for the cluster

The ToxBank consortium has made considerable progress towards the WP1 objectives. Specifically, based on an extensive requirement gathering from all SEURAT-1 consortia and an analysis of this data, a preliminary version of the ToxBank data warehouse has been implemented that will provide access to all experimental, processed data and protocols alongside relevant public information. This includes the development and/or customization of web-based interfaces for linking and uploading data, including raw, processed and model results. All steps of any experiments will be linked to protocols describing the procedures. A web-based user interface for searching, browsing, and filtering the results has been implemented to provide access to all protocols and data across the cluster in a way that is sensitive of any intellectual property restrictions on access. The system has been implemented as a series of REST-based web services which will enable interoperability with other systems across the cluster as well as external resources.